Luminous Fragments
0/0 Minted
@PixelFlow Art
Published on 2/9/2024"Luminous Fragments" is a generative artwork that delves into the ephemeral essence of shattered glass, capturing the chaotic and radiant beauty that emerges when light refracts through fragments. Composed of a myriad of squares, the artwork is a dance of abstract shapes and vibrant colors, echoing the complexity of our ever-changing world.

Each square represents a unique fragment, a fundamental piece of the visual puzzle unfolding before the observer's eyes. Apparent symmetry is disrupted by the unpredictability of lines and patterns, creating a dynamic and captivating visual experience.

"Luminous Fragments" explores the intersection between order and chaos, inviting the viewer to contemplate the ephemeral beauty that arises from apparent disintegration. This digitally generated artwork celebrates the convergence of technology and aesthetics, revealing a spectacle of light and color that evokes a unique sense of contemplation and wonder.

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External Code/Libraries Used:
p5.grain - Gorilla Sun
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