0/0 Minted
Published on 2/16/2024"Serenity" stands as my genesis piece on the Solana blockchain. It's generative art crafted entirely from scratch through code, without the use of external libraries—just your browser and mathematics.

It emerges from my ongoing exploration of abstract art generated by a set of predefined rules... isn't that what generative art is all about?

The aim is to convey feelings of tranquility and delight by capturing the observer's attention through the analysis of each mosaic comprising the image. It evokes a desire to touch the artwork in its tangible form.

Moreover, it aims to represent a set of geometric shapes, employing shading and opacity techniques as a foundation to "simulate" the effect of volumetric bodies. It boasts an extensive array of carefully selected color palettes blended using interpolation algorithms and noise functions.


Theme => Dark / Light
Columns => # between 2 and 8
Rows => Columns * 2
Line color => Black/ White

Hope you enjoy it!
The home of long-form generative art on Solana. We are passionate about empowering artists to create on blockchain and giving collectors the peace of mind of tokenized, verifiable collectibles. Welcome to the New Frontier.
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